Meet Me Halfway
Meet Me Halfway
From Brooke D. - “Meet Me Halfway” is about the conversions we have inside our heads and with the people we love. It documents the desire we all have for equality and justice in love, as well as the persistent wondering that can occur when existing in many unknowns. Inspired by Maya Angelou’s statement "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time,” the song hopes to inspire listeners to own their worth, and make choices from wholeness, rather than loneliness.
released dates October 7, 2021 (exclusively on, October 8th on Bandcamp, all major streaming platforms on October 9, 2021
Music Credits: Lyrics & Vocals by Brooke D., Saxophone, Production & Mixing by FKAjazz, Mastered by Joe Lambert. Visual Credits: Original Photo by Noah MacNeil, Cover Art Design by Samir Zarif, Filmed by Noah MacNeil, Edited for Canvas & Social Media by Samir Zarif.